Get Involved

Event Volunteers - We need handy helpers to set up, facilitate, and clean up on the day of our events, such as our yearly fundraiser or smaller gatherings. To participate, check our calendar for upcoming events that match your schedule, and reach out with an email describing your interest to  

Board Membership - At this time we are still growing our board of directors into a robust organizing force. Many skill sets are helpful and welcome, but we particularly appreciate the addition of those with backgrounds in: financial matters, digital media and advertising, event planning, nonprofit organization, and international charity. To be considered for board membership, please submit a letter of interest to

Committee Membership - Committees are task-oriented groups that work to fulfill certain functions in the foundation. Committees currently seeking membership are: 

Event Committee - Are you known among your friends for throwing the coolest gatherings and most happening shindigs? We would love to have your party-planning, Pinterest-worthy expertise on our team to help create events that not only provide fun, but also funds for crucial work here in Washtenaw County and around the world.  

Communications Committee - Our communications committee handles everything that keeps people in the know: our mailing list, fliers, social media. This group is a great fit for anyone with graphic design, email marketing or social media experience.  

Development Committee - This is a job for the volunteer’s volunteer. Help us find people to join the team, as well as innovate fundraising efforts, connect with and learn from other organizations, and become the best non-profit we can be. 

Have a talent not listed here? We would love to hear from you. Let us figure out how we can work together to make this a nicer world for all of us! Email

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